O Come, all ye faithful! Joyful and Triumphant... Come and behold Him, born the King of Angels! O come let us adore Him... Christ the Lord!
Hark the herald, Angels sing, "Glory to the newborn King!" Peace on Earth, and mercies mild, God and sinners RECONCILED!
O come, o come Emmanuel! And ransome captive Israel... who mourns in lonely exile here. Until the son of God appear! REJOICE! REJOICE! Emmanuel shall come to thee, o Israel!
What Child is this who laid to rest on Mary's lap is sleeping? Whom angels greet with anthems sweet, while shepherds watch are keeping. This, this is Christ the King! Whom shepherds guard and angels sing, "Haste! Haste to bring Him praise! The babe, the son, of Mary!"
So bring him incense, gold and myrrh, come peasant, king, to own him! the King of Kings Salvation brings! Let loving hearts enthrown him! Raise, Raise the song on high, the virgin sings her lullaby, "Joy! Joy for Christ is born!" the Babe the Son of Mary.
All of these songs are so beautifully written! Do we actually pause and think about the words that proclaim the true reason of celebration for Christmas? it's not about presents... instead Presence--of the promised King! It's not about gifts, but THE gift--the Savior of the world!
Merry Christmas to all who may read this... enjoy your family and your celebrations! And may we all have a blessed and joyful New Year! Love you all!
I love to really listen to the words of Christmas songs, they really mean so much that I hate when they stop at Christmas day. Why can't we adore him the rest of the year too with such ferver! You guys did flippin awesome at church this season with the music, it is some of the best I ever remember! You should be very proud :)
it is amazing to me the amount of people who sing those songs so mechanically without letting the words seep into their thinking. I mean, those songs are all out WORSHIP songs...and yet christmas has been materialized to presents, christmas trees, and lights. Not the living God. But those Christmas songs hold to the true meaning and they are beautiful. Thanks for this post Heather.
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